Working Equitation at
Mon Cheval Training Center
Mon Cheval Training Center is excited about our involvement in Working Equitation! We have held Working Equitation Dressage Tests and Ease of Handling at our South of the Border Schooling Shows. We have held WE Ease of Handling practice dates, a WE Ease of Handling Clinic and are having a Recognized WE Show in 2024. Check out our upcoming dates below. We have Sammi Korenik, a client of MCTC, is a licensed Technical Delegate for Working Equitation, the only one in Minnesota. Sammi is full of knowledge on the sport and a great teacher!

What is Working Equitation?
The Working Equitation discipline is intended to promote competition between traditional styles of riding used during fieldwork in various countries, and also to act as a showcase for traditional riding costumes and equipment. Working Equitation became a competitive sport in 1996 along with its first European championship being held in Italy the same year. Working Equitation is recognized as a sport in many countries, mostly in South America and Europe, all countries have their own governing body of the sport. The sport tests the horse and rider's partnership and ability to maneuver obstacles. There are four different levels of Working Equitation: Novice, Intermediate, Junior and Advanced. At advanced level, the rider must ride with just one hand, most commonly their left hand, on the reins.
Competition events may be individual or for teams, and are in three or four parts, in this order:
Dressage, in which the horse and rider perform obligatory movements in a freestyle dressage test to music within a specified time scale.
Ease of Handling Trial, a gymkhana-type event in which horses must overcome obstacles similar to those likely to appear in the field, such as bridges and gates. The obstacle course is designed to show the partnership between horse and rider.
Speed, where similar obstacles must be overcome, but against time
Cow (only for team competitions), in which the four team members separate a specific numbered cow from a group.

Up Coming Events
Saturday, February 24 - MCTC Clients WE Obstacles
Saturday, March 16 - Fjord WE Obstacles, Driving and Meeting.
Saturday, March 30 - MCTC Clients WE Obstacles
Saturday, May 18 - Open WE Obstacles
Saturday, June 8 - Open WE Obstacles
August 10 & 11 - Working Equitation Recognized Show